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Control System (Customers Scope of Supply)


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Due to the highly flexible technology incorporated in hybrid ventilation, the operation of an ecoPOWER® can be controlled by a variety of means:

In Natural Mode

When wind and/or a temperature difference (between outside and inside air) is present the ecoPOWER® will operate at varying flow rates depending on the strength of those environmental conditions. If the flow rate of the ecoPOWER® is required to be stopped, then it can be done by the use of a damper fitted to the throat of the ventilator.

The Electric Damper – This damper is automatically controlled (open and shut) by a motor, which is wired to a control device. For an ecoPOWER® the electrically operated damper is the only unit recommended, this will allow for the damper to be opened simultaneously when switching to power mode if wired in this manner.

In Power Mode

To run the ecoPOWER® in power mode it is simply a matter of supplying 240VAC electrical power to the motor. To deactivate the ecoPOWER® from power mode, simply remove the 240VAC power supply to the motor.

The current load required by the switching device depends on a number of factors listed below;

  • The number of units fitted
  • The size of the ecoPOWER® fitted
  • The length of cables running to the ecoPOWER® (additional current draw above ecoPOWER® due to resistance in the wires)
  • The ecoPOWER® produce a start up current up to 4 times maximum running current (requires slow blow fuses and a device capable of handling burst loads at this level)
  • The ecoPOWER® produces an inductive current load on devices and therefore the switching device must be sized correctly for inductive loads

To activate / deactivate an ecoPOWER® in power mode operation a variety of means can be employed.

Some examples of simple control systems ( To Be Arranged By Customer ) :

  • Mechanical switchA simple mechanical switch can be used similar to that of a light switch. The operator can switch the ecoPOWER® to power mode as they require by simply activating the on/off switch.
  • Temperature – A thermostat can switch the ecoPOWER® to power mode once the temperature in the building passes a set point. When the temperature in the building falls below the set point the ecoPOWER® will return to natural mode.
  • Humidity – A humidistat can switch the ecoPOWER® to power mode once the humidity levels in the building passes a set point. When the humidity levels in the building drop below the set point the ecoPOWER® will return to natural mode.
  • Time – A timer can switch the ecoPOWER® to power mode once the chosen time has been reached. The ecoPOWER® will return to natural mode once the desired time frame has been exceeded.

Some examples of an advanced control system ( To Be Arranged By Customer ) would be :

  • Wind SpeedAn anemometer can be linked to an electronic control system, which can be programmed to switch the ecoPOWER® to power mode when the wind speed drops below a set point. When the wind speed goes above the set point the ecoPOWER® will return to natural mode.
  • Dual ThermostatA thermostat is located both inside the building and outside the building and linked to an electronic control system. It can be programmed to switch the ecoPOWER® to power mode when the temperature outside is below the temperature inside and switch the ecoPOWER® off when the temperatures reverse.